OK114 번호안내

by OK114



Start of smart phone search! Join OK114.1. Reliable searchable phone number dataThe OK114 application provides users with more reliable information with the latest phone number data verified by real name through telemarketing.2 Provide my location-based informationExposure of information around me without having to search for location!The OK114 application provides location-based information, so your location is automatically set, so you can conveniently search for nearby businesses.3. Find the place you want quickly and easily.Kakao Navi, Tmap Navi, or Naver Directions interlocking services help you find the searched company quickly and accurately.4. Share the business you searched for with your acquaintances!Share the company you found with your acquaintances through KakaoTalk and SNS with the sharing function in the app.[etc]1. If the smartphone cannot receive GPS, it defaults to the last received GPS.2. If the network is unstable, service use may not be smooth.(If Wifi is not an environment, data charges may apply depending on the subscription plan)[Service inquiry and bug report]Email: [email protected] contact: 1577-0906